First off, thanks to Bryan Alexander for inspiring this post with his post - Getting better news
Just like Dr. Alexander - almost all of my news is now web based and consists of written words. I find videos for news to be largely tedious and unnecessary.
In my opinion text will always trump a video because it is much more likely to be corrected if information changes or comes to light. Re shooting a video segment is cost prohibitive, time consuming and in this age of 24/7 news coverage probably a waste of both time and money.
On the other hand editing a written story or adding a correction is fast and easy.
Google News is not something that I have tried before, but I will be experimenting with it for the next few weeks to see if it is better than my own approach to acquiring news.
My Approach
Currently I start the day off with reading news stories from Reddit's "subreddits" that are most relevant to my interest
However, is a site that is mostly used by westerners and US Americans so it is by default an echo chamber. Several of the subreddits are also notorious for being echo chambers - the politics subreddit in particular is considered to be filled with left leaning posters and commentators. As I am also pretty far to the left this does not normally bother me, sometimes it does go to far and I am left wondering what to believe.
To counteract the echo chamber I also listen to ultra right wing radio shows, they are hilariously bad at times and filled with an insane amount of misinformation. However, sometimes they are able to inform me of the real issues simply because of how much they lie about them and how much time they spend on a non-issue.
I have considered getting a subscription or two to some pay wall news services, but I am simply not willing to spend any money on information acquisition at this time. I will post an update after I have adjusted to using Google News in a few days.
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